بە دیموكراتیزەكردنی مێژووی كوردستانی باشوور

 بە دیموكراتیزەكردنی مێژووی كوردستانی باشوور بلۆگەر : جەودەت احمد بابەت : نوێبوونەوەی هزر بەروار : 27\9\2024 كوردستانی باشوور لە سەردەمی سەرەتای ناوەراستی سەدەی 21 و شۆرەشی خۆرێبەری و خودئاگای و تاكگەرای چاخی دیجیتالی پێوستی بەوە هەیە مێژووی كۆمەلگای داهێنانی هەرێمی باشوور بە دیموكراتیزە بكرێت و ریفۆرم بكرێتەو بۆئەوەی ئەم قەیرانە لەناوەخۆی باشوور دامەزراوە بەجارێك كۆتای بێت و وێنەی باشوور لە هاولاتی بوون خۆی نوێبكاتەوە. كەواتە باشوور لەسەر مێژووی میراتی پارتیزانی دۆلار دیبلۆماسی شاخ دامەزراوە بەهۆی لۆبی سامی و ئقلیمی لە پێناو ئاژاوەی ناوەخۆی ولاتانی عەربی و میراتی سەفەوی و عوسمانیدا بەرێوەچووە. ئەم مێژوو بەكلاسیكی چاخی ئاسن و سەردەمی هەوالگری كلاسیك هەژماردەكرێت چونكە جەنگی سارد لەدوای كۆتای جەنگی دووەم لەجیهان دۆخی نێوان كۆمەنیستی مەزهەبی لینینی كۆن و دژ بە لیرال دیموكراتەكان لە نێوان ئابووری دۆزینەوەی نەوت و وەبەرهێنانی پیشەسازی ناوەخۆی ولاتانی ئاسیا و ناوەراستی مینا درێژبۆتەوە وەك شۆرەشی كورد لە رۆژهەلات و باشوور كە دوو شۆرەشی گەمژانەی پێگەی كورد بوو لە پێناوی هاتنی سووپای سوور بۆ ن

Iraq's change in the direction of the southern region

Iraq's change in the direction of the southern region..

Blogger : Jaudat Ahmed
Article : The future of Human
Date : June 6,2024

In order to establish the next political phase inside Kurdistan within the framework of democracy and have a positive impact on the regional and internal Iraq, It must enable the opposition to transform power from classical to ultramodern. That is, restoring the dignity of the government in the position of citizenship, the sovereignty of the courts, parliament and the executive. At this time, the shadow power of the party, tribal, business and private elite families will be suppressed. The power of the governor will be lost within the public sector of the government and the public. Therefore, this step will restore voter confidence and free elections and move the Kurdish family away from the position of (tribes to renew their mental, mental and physical welfare). Provided that jobs are provided and refugees and foreign workers are removed or a tax of 70% is imposed on foreign workers and refugees to force forced migration back to the country. Then the situation in the region will be political, economic and military stability, but after this stage, the step of generalizing Kurdistan territory in the name of autonomy (neoliberal economy, democracy and new communism) on two fronts. On the right and left, in order to advance the renewal of the political economy, this is only to remove the position of identity (nationalist politics) to lower the level of conservatism to democracy and communism of the ultramodern market. That is, the government's policy from the classic to the opposition, then the transformation of the consumer to the domestic and global economy in the shadow of (democracy and communism), Because the region is at the heart of the market (BRICS and G7), these two anti-polar, if not treated healthily, will lead to a point of ridicule (global proxy war, on regional). Therefore, weakening the national, religious and pragmatic sense of being a citizen will strengthen the human economy and reduce government capital expenditure in the public sector. Here, the individual plays his role in the position of citizenship of the Kurdistan nation as a science and its representation in the country and the world. It will not cause racial chaos, political, economic, military, humanitarian or religious problems. Instead, it will eradicate the national, religious and cultural stage. Kurdistan will be free from religious and ethnic interference in regional and global diplomacy.

Link to the same article article in Kurdish

Iraq's change in the direction of the southern region


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